Saturday 11 October 2014

One Minute Forearm Plank Exercise

My One Minute Forearm Plank Exercise

How to do a Forearm Plank

10 Steps to do a forearm plank hold

Step 1 - Lay down on the floor straight on your tummy.

Step 2 - Bend you elbows next to your sides and place your hands directly under your shoulders on the ground.

Step 3 - Raise up off the floor with your upper arms leaving your forearms flat on the ground.

Step 4 - As you raise up move back so that you are up on your toes.

Step 5 - Keep your feet together with your back and legs in line.

Step 6 - Keep your buttock down and don’t let your hips sag down.

Step 7 - Contract your abdominal's pulling them towards your back.

Step 8 - Look forward with your head about a few inches in front of your hands.

Step 9 - Breath steady and naturally while you do the forearm plank hold.

Step 10 - Hold forearm plank for as long as you are able to.